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Dr.Clegg Calls Time as Editor in Chief

After 12 years at the helm of the journal Engineering Failure Analysis, Dr.Richard Clegg of Explicom finished his term as Editor-in-Chief on the 31st December 2022.  Over that time, the journal has grown to become one of the premier international publications in the field and now ranks alongside major engineering journals such as Engineering Fracture Mechanics and Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics.  Dr.Clegg oversaw an increase in the Impact Factor of the journal from 0.44 in 2010 to 3.114 in 2021 and the number of submissions to the journal grew from approximately 400 to 2453 per annum over his tenure.  In 2021, over 750,000 articles were downloaded from the journal website, indicating the reach and popularity of the work.    "Although I am sad to leave such a important role, I am looking forward to more time to develop my business at Explicom and get back to some research with my colleagues at QUT." said Dr.Clegg.  Dr.Clegg was appointed as Honorary Editor of the journal and will remain as an Editorial Board Member of the journal for the foreseeable future.

Materials selection, choice and its importance to engineers

At 5:00pm on 6th July 2022, Materials Australia and Engineers Australia are hosting a talk by Andy Reilly of Total Materia on the importance of materials selection and materials knowledge in engineering. Explicom has used Total Materia as its main database for materials for several years now with great success. We are looking forward to hearing Andy's views on how materials selection and materials knowledge can be improved in engineering. The talk is an online-only webinar and the link to the talk is shown below.

Materials selection, choice and its importance to engineers.

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